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Nearly 2 years ago, I started out on a journey. And this journey was to recreate Frank Laubach’s The Game with Minutes which was inspired by his book Letters by a Modern Mystic.

Laubach was a missionary to the Philippines in the 1930s. He had been in the country for 15 years when he decided to start “experimenting in a more complete surrender then ever before “ He writes:

But this year I have started out trying to live all my waking moments in conscious listening to the inner voice, asking without ceasing, “What, Father, do you desire said? What, Father, do you desire done this minute?”

It is clear that this is exactly what Jesus was doing all day every day. But it is not what His followers have been doing in very large numbers.

Letters by a Modern Mystic – Laubach

I started this journey in August of 2021. At the time, a friend had recently shared Letters by A Modern Mystic with me, and I was inspired to recreate the book through my own letters here online. The first experiment was short lived. During a period of 5 weeks, I conducted an experiment. Every week, I created a post where I shared my insights and the percentage of times I redirected my attention towards God. Here are the findings:

  • Week 1: 3.4%
  • Week 2: 5.9%
  • Week 3: 1.8%
  • Week 4: 5.4%
  • Week 5: 11.2%

Week 5’s average was boosted by Friday. On that day, I focused on God for nearly a quarter of the day. It’s been 2 years, but I still vividly recall the encounters I had with God. I can’t remember why I stopped, but I do wish I had kept going.

I restarted this experiment with one main purpose:

I believe that learning to abide in the workplace is one of my gifts to this generation.

I have an amazing job! I put a lot of effort into it, but now I see it with a different perspective. Instead of an opportunity to provide for my family or climb the corporate ladder, I now see my job as a place to discover how abiding in the workplace can change the world.

So, how do I test my theory that abiding in the workplace can change the world? I start with myself!

Here are the results from the first week. One note on Thursday. In the book, Laubach’s teaches others to only track the number of minutes for 1 hour at a time. After being reminded of his advice, I only tracked from 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM. After the tracking period was over, I still thought of God throughout the day. I did not note any specific differences in the week from the experiment, but I can promise much more is to come.

  • Tuesday: 14 moments
  • Wednesday: 34 moments
  • Thursday: 29 moments in an 1-hour period

Be blessed,


Here is the truth!

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